Block Tower Mayhem



Block Tower Mayhem is a simple Arcade-style VR game in which you must avoid blocks while falling from above. The player must use the VR controllers to teleport around to landed blocks making up the tower, while avoiding the blocks falling from above. The game ends if you get hit by a falling block or if you try to hide in an out of bounds area for too long. If a score was implemented, it would be based on either number of blocks avoided, or the total time the player was able to avoid getting hit.

This game was created for Ludum Dare 37 with the theme: "One Room" using unity3d. I was the sole developer and designer for this prototype, and used the Valve OpenVR asset package to target the HTC Vive platform. Assets included were part of unity standard assets or purchased by Kenney Assets. You can download the game and play it from

NOTE: This game is designed for the HTC Vive specifically and has not been tested on other VR devices, such as the Oculus Rift.

Dec 2016
Copyrights © 2016 & All Rights Reserved by Robert W Miller.